
Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views is unavailable, but you can change that!

Understanding Spiritual Warfare offers four positions on the subject in dialogical fashion—all authors present their views and then respond to each of the other views. Each contributor interacts with the following questions: What is the nature of Satan and the demonic? What role does spiritual warfare serve in the Bible and how central is it to the biblical narrative? How should Christians...

who argue for casting out demons as a way of overcoming sin. If those who disagree with those theories and methods never tell stories, the conversation can sound like bookish theory arguing with nitty-gritty, eyewitness testimony. In addition to the consistency and clarity of biblical witness, telling a couple of stories is worthwhile. My first example concerns a European friend of mine who went to rural West Africa in the 1980s as a long-term missionary. He taught in a theological college and did
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